Monday, January 28, 2013

Beyeke's Got Back

One thing I have noticed about superstar bodybuilder Lionel Beyeke, is that he has one of the sickest backs in the business. Not only is is wide as heck, but it's so deeply cut up and defined. It's like looking at the grand canyon or something! See more of what I mean after the jump.

Can you imagine what a piggy-back ride would be like on this guy. Seems like it would be fun to me!

WOWZER! Look at all those diamond details and cuts! It's like looking into some abstractly designed face sculpture.

I mean seriously. You could park a hummer on this guys back. This is phenomenal.

Check out Beyeke as he sweats in the gym.

Beyeke is definitely one of my favorites because of his well-balanced body. Very few people come close to the aestheticism of this masterpiece.

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